Wednesday, April 15, 2015


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"I can't believe this is really happens.
It really does, just like that, and
I don't care if it happened on my wedding night,
at a funeral, on my death bed.
It's happened"
- Barney ; Barney's version -

Have you ever get heels over head, bent over backwards in love with someone ?
Once in your life you will have it. JUST ONCE.
You'll never know when, but when it happens, you just know it.
You will know that he is The Trigger of That Tza Tza Tzu feeling, that chemistry, and The Endorphin.
The center part of your mind landscape.
Whose name you recall every time you speak and ask to God.
The man that you wish will be the last and forever..

It sounds ridiculous, but sure it's true
I have been and I am now ...

My Tza Tza Tzu


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